RAD to Gray and Gray to RAD Conversion


This page provides calculators and formulas for converting between RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) and Gray (Gy), two common units used to measure absorbed radiation dose. These are essential conversions when working with radiation measurements.

For more details about radiation units, please see our [Radiation Units](link to radiation units page, if available).

RAD to Gray Conversion

The following calculator performs the conversion from RAD to Gray.

Calculator #1: RAD to Gray

RAD(input): [ ] GRAY(Output): [ ]


  • INPUTS: RAD = 1000
  • OUTPUTS: GRAY = 10

RAD to Gray Conversion Formula

The following formula is used to convert from RAD to Gray:

RAD to Gray conversion

Gray to RAD Conversion

The following calculator handles the conversion from Gray to RAD.

Calculator #2: Gray to RAD

GRAY(input): [ ] RAD(Output): [ ]


  • INPUTS: GRAY = 10
  • OUTPUTS: RAD = 1000

Gray to RAD Conversion Formula

The following formula is used to convert from Gray to RAD:

Gray to RAD conversion

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