Pitot pressure vs Static pressure | Difference between Pitot pressure and Static pressure

This page compares Pitot pressure vs Static pressure and mentions difference between Pitot pressure and Static pressure.

What is Pitot static system?
• It is pressure sensitive type of instruments used in aviation industry for measurement of aircraft's parameters such as airspeed, altitude and its trend, mach number etc.
• Pitot static system consists of components which include pitot tube, static port and pitot static instruments.
• This system is very critical part in an aircraft for safety perspective.

Pitot Pressure

• It is the pressure usually obtained from pitot tube which is located either on wing or in front section of the aircraft.
• It is measure of ram air pressure. This pressure is equivalent to stagnation pressure in ideal conditions.
• The ram air pressure is directly proportional to the airspeed. Hence airspeed increase results into increase in ram air pressure. This is measured by airspeed indicator after appropriate translation.

Static Pressure

• It is tapped using static port of pitot static system. Static port refers to flush mounted hole on fuselage of the aircraft.
• Static port is placed in undisturbed area where air flow can be easily accessed.
• Static port can be one or multiple as per requirements in an aircraft. In multiple static ports, average pressure is used for more accurate and optimum results.
• Static pressure decreases when aircraft climbs up.

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