Advantages of Weir | disadvantages of Weir

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Weir. It mentions Weir advantages or benefits and Weir disadvantages or drawbacks.

What is Weir?

• It is a barrier across flowing fluid which is designed to alter flow characteristics.
• It is used to prevent flooding, to measure discharge and to render river navigable.
• It takes forms of obstructions which are smaller compare to conventional dams.
• Geometry of top of weir as well as water flows over it are known. Hence depth of water behind weir can be converted into rate of the flow.
• Discharge can be summarized as follows.
Q = C*L*Hn
• Weir crest should be free of rust or impurities to have accurate flow measurement.
• Types of weirs include Labyrinth weir, Broad crested weir, Sharp crested weir, Compound weir and V-Notch Weir.

Weir working

Benefits or advantages of Weir

Following are the benefits or advantages of Weir:
➨It is simple in design.
➨It requires minimum space at the measuring point.
➨It has lower construction costs.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Weir

Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Weir:
➨It requires higher space upstream of measuring point.
➨It is not suitable for waste water due to risk of deposition build up at upstream of the weir.
➨Stream separation through the ventilation should be assured for its operation.
➨Its operation is also affected due to large floating items.
➨Roughness of any form will result into more water discharge than indicated by standard equations or tables.
➨It affects local fauna.

Advantages and Disadvantages of other equipments, meters or devices

What is difference between or comparison between

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Colorimeter vs Spectrophotometer
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