Advantages of Thermocouple | disadvantages of Thermocouple

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Thermocouple. It mentions Thermocouple advantages or benefits and Thermocouple disadvantages or drawbacks.

Thermocouples are temperature measuring devices. They are based on various effects viz. seeback effect, peltier effect and thomson effect.

There are different types of thermocouples (T, J, K, E, S, R) based on materials used in the construction, sensitivities and supported temperature range.

The figure-1 depicts resistance versus temperature curve of Thermocouple. It can be used for high temperature measurements. It measures temperature from -2000C to 25000C.

Thermocouple curve

➨Sensitivity order: Thermistor > RTD > Thermocouple
➨Linearity Order: RTD > Thermocouple > Thermistor

Benefits or advantages of Thermocouple

Following are the benefits or advantages of Thermocouple:
➨Thermocouples are self powered active devices.
➨They are simple in construction.
➨They are rugged.
➨They are cheaper.
➨They have wide temperature range.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Thermocouple

Following are the disadvantages of Thermocouple:
➨They are nonlinear.
➨They have low output voltage i.e. less sensitivity.
➨They require reference for operation.
➨They are less stable.

Advantages and Disadvantages of other equipments, meters or devices

What is difference between or comparison between

Following links mention comparison or difference between various equipments:
comparison between VSG and VSA
DIfference between SNA ans VNA
Oscilloscope Bandwidth versus Rise time
Oscilloscope vs Logic Analyzer
Difference between Oscillscope types
Comparison between spectrum and network analyzer