Advantages of Mc Leod Gauge | disadvantages of Mc Leod Gauge
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Mc Leod Gauge. It mentions Mc Leod Gauge advantages or benefits and Mc Leod Gauge disadvantages or drawbacks.
The working principle of Mc Leod Gauge is compression of sample of low pressure gas to a level
which is sufficiently higher. This pressure can be read using manometer.
Pressure of gas in Mc Leod Gauge can be expressed as follows.
P = ( h2*At ) / (V - At*h) = h2*At/V
h = Height of mercury column in the reference capillary
At = Area of cross section of measuring capillary tube
V = Volume of bulb
Benefits or advantages of Mc Leod Gauge
Following are the benefits or advantages of Mc Leod Gauge:
➨The reading of Mc Leod Gauge is not affected by composition of gas whose
pressure is to be measured.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Mc Leod Gauge
Following are the disadvantages of Mc Leod Gauge:
➨They do not provide continuous output.
➨They can not be used in hazardous conditions due to
usage of the mercury in the instrument.
Advantages and Disadvantages of other equipments, meters or devices
What is difference between or comparison between
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comparison between SPI and I2C
difference between PXI and PCI
Microscope vs Telescope
Amplitude Modulation vs Angle Modulation
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Colorimeter vs Spectrophotometer
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