Advantages of Charge Amplifier | disadvantages of Charge Amplifier
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Charge Amplifier. It mentions Charge Amplifier advantages or benefits and Charge Amplifier disadvantages or drawbacks.
The charge amplifier converts charge into voltage directly.
The figure-1 depicts circuit of charge amplifier.
Benefits or advantages of Charge Amplifier
Following are the benefits or advantages of Charge Amplifier:
➨Output voltage is proportional to charge produced by piezo-electric transducer.
➨Amount of charge present is not affected by cable capacitance.
➨Sensitivity (K) and time constant are independent of crystal capacitance and connecting cables.
➨Inductor is not required in the design.
➨Due to small size, smaller PCB area is needed.
➨It has moderate efficiency which is higher compare to
linear regulators.
➨Vout can be lower or higher than Vin.
➨It is lower in cost as few components are required in the design.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Charge Amplifier
Following are the disadvantages of Charge Amplifier:
➨Switching process produces high output ripple and noise.
➨The capacity of output current is limited by
use of capacitors.
➨Low/moderate loads (which is less than 200 mA).
➨EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)
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