Test and Measurement Equipment Terminologies | T&M World
This page of T&M World covers terminologies related to test and measurement equipments in various domains. It covers comparison between various test and measurement equipments and parameters.
Difference between various terminologies or terms
Following section mentions links on useful comparison between various test and measurement equipments from different vendors. This helps reader understand important difference between specifications and hence will help them take purchase decision to select the right T&M product for their need.
IoT vs IoE vs M2M
The page compares IoT vs IoE vs M2M and mentions difference between IoT(Internet of Things), IoE(Internet of Everything) and M2M w.r.t. definition,meaning and examples. IoT means Internet of Things, IoE means Internet of Everything and M2M means Machine to Machine Communication. Read more
Comparison between Test and Measurement Equipments
Following are the links to comparison between various test and measurement equipments.
- Comparison between VSG and VSA, READ MORE.
- Comparison between SNA and VNA, READ MORE.
- Comparison between RF Power Meter and Power Analyzer, READ MORE.
- Comparison between Analog and Digital multimeter types, READ MORE.
- Comparison between Spectrum Analyzer and Network Analyzer, READ MORE.
Useful Terms for operating T&M Equipments
Following are the useful terms related to various test and measurement equipments as well as different domains in the test and measurement industry.
- Spectrum Analyzer Glossary of Terms, READ MORE.
- VSG and VSA Glossary of Terms, READ MORE.
- Network Analyzer Glossary of Terms, READ MORE.
- Difference btw Oscilloscope Bandwidth and Oscilloscope Rise Time, READ MORE.
- Difference between Analog and Digital Oscilloscope, READ MORE.
- Difference between Manual Testing vs Automation testing, READ MORE
- Difference between Alpha testing and Beta testing , READ MORE
- Difference between Black box testing and White box testing , READ MORE
- Smoke testing versus sanity testing , READ MORE
- Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control , READ MORE
- Difference between Unit testing and Integration testing , READ MORE
What is Difference between?
Difference between SPI interface and I2C Interface
Difference between Sensor and Transducer
Difference between Microscope and Telescope
Difference between MIPI CSI and MIPI DSI interface types
Difference between Modem and router
Difference between Air Fuel Ratio Sensor and Oxygen sensor