MHz Oscilloscope Series-10, 100, 50, 200 MHz, 500 MHz Oscilloscope

This page of Test and Measurement Equipments Section covers MHz Oscilloscope series. It covers 10 MHz, 50 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz, 500 MHz oscilloscopes from reputed manufacturers Keysight, Tektronix, Teledyne Lecroy, Yokogawa, R&S etc.

Oscilloscopes are available in various shapes and sizes. They are available as wristwatch version, pocket size version and bench top version. Oscilloscopes are used to analyze signals in the time domain. They are available from MHz frequency to GHz frequency bands e.g. from 10 MHz to 100 GHz. Here we will look into entry level MHz oscilloscopes.

10 MHz Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope which can analyze time domain signals upto maximum frequency of 10MHz is referred as 10 MHz Oscilloscope. There are higher bandwidth oscilloscopes which also can also analyze 10 MHz bandwidth signal, in fact banwidth range supported will be given in the specification datasheet.

Company 10 MHz Oscilloscope model with features
Jyetech Model: DSO-094
• Pocket size• 50Msps sampling rate
Picotech Model: PicoScope 2104
•  PC Based Oscilloscope•  1Gsps sampling rate in repetitive mode • 50Msps sampling rate in single shot • supports multi-functionality
Download from Model:AVR DSO
• It is DIY-type Oscilloscope• supports 50MSps sampling rate

50 MHz Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope which can analyze time domain signals upto maximum frequency of 50MHz is referred as 50 MHz Oscilloscope.

Company 50 MHz Oscilloscope model with features
Tektronix Model:TBS1052B-EDU
• 1GSPS sample rate• 2 channels• USB/GPIB interfaces• 7 inches size
Keysight Model:DSO1052B
• 2GSPS, • 2channels• USB• 5.7 inches size
Gwinstek Model:GDS-1052-U
• 250MSPS•  2 channels• USB• 5.7 inches

100 MHz Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope which can analyze time domain signals upto maximum frequency of 100MHz is referred as 100 MHz Oscilloscope.

Company 100 MHz Oscilloscope model with features
GW Instek Model: GDS-300/GDS-200
• 1Gsps sampling rate • 5Mpts memory depth
Keysight technologies Model:InfiniiVision 3000T X-series
•  supports capacitive touch screen • multi-functionality • supports various serial interfaces such as I2S, CAN, LIN, RS232, RS422, RS485, UART etc.
Tektronix Model: MDO3000 series
•  supports 100MHz to 1GHz• supports 2 or 4 channels •  supports capture rate of 280000 waveforms per second •  supports I2C, SPI, RS232, USB, CAN, LIN interfaces
SIGLENT technologies SDS2000X series super phosphor oscilloscopes
• supports 70 MHz to 300MHz• sampling rate of 2Gsps• record length of 140Mpts
OWON XDS series n-in-1 DSO

200 MHz Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope which can analyze time domain signals upto maximum frequency of 200MHz is referred as 200 MHz Oscilloscope.

Company 200 MHz Oscilloscope model with features
Rohde & Schwarz Model: HMO Compact
GW Instek Model: GDS-300/GDS-200
Tektronix Model: MDO-3000 series as mentioned above
SIGLENT technologies SDS2000X series as mentioned above
OWON XDS series n-in-1 DSO

500 MHz Oscilloscope

Oscilloscope which can analyze time domain signals upto maximum frequency of 500MHz is referred as 500 MHz Oscilloscope.

Company 500 MHz Oscilloscope model with features
Rohde & Schwarz Model: R&S RTM, HMO3000
Keysight Model: InfiniiVision 3000T X-series
supports 100MHz to 1GHz Bandwidths
RIGOL Model:DS4000, 4 analog channels, 4 GSps
Model:MSO4000, 4 analog and 16 logic channels, 4GSps

The other oscilloscopes which support other bandwidths are mentioned below:
• Model DS1074Z from Rigol supports 70 MHz bandwidth.
• Model 940-WAVEACE1001 from Teledyne Lecroy supports 40 MHz bandwidth.

Other electronics test and measurement equipments

Digital Oscilloscope
ESD Ionizer
Climatic Chamber
Transformer turns ratio meter
Video Borescope
Solar Power Meter