Advantages of Electrical Instruments | disadvantages of Electrical Instruments

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Electrical Instruments. It mentions Electrical Instruments advantages or benefits and Electrical Instruments disadvantages or drawbacks.

Instruments in which pointer deflection is caused due to some electrical methods are known as electrical instruments.

The instruments which use semiconductor devices are known as electronic instruments. These equipments are used in research and development activities requiring very fast response times and accurate measurements.

Benefits or advantages of Electrical Instruments

Following are the benefits or advantages of Electrical Instruments:
➨Non-contact measurements are possible
➨These instruments consume less power
➨Compact in size and more reliable in operation
➨Greater flexibility
➨Good frequency and transient response
➨Remote indication and recording possible
➨Amplification produced greater than that produced in mechanical instruments

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Electrical Instruments

Following are the disadvantages of Electrical Instruments:
➨An electrical system normally depends upon a mechanical measurement as an indicating device. This mechanical movement has some inertia due to which the frequency response of these instruments is poor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of other equipments, meters or devices

What is difference between or comparison between

Following links mention difference or comparison between various equipments and terms:
comparison between SPI and I2C
difference between PXI and PCI
Microscope vs Telescope
Amplitude Modulation vs Angle Modulation
difference between modem and router
Air Fuel Ratio Sensor vs O2 Sensor
Radiometer vs Spectrometer vs Spectroradiometer
Clamp meter vs digital multimeter
Colorimeter vs Spectrophotometer
difference between Prism and Grating
difference between Venturi meter and Orifice meter
difference between Lux and Lumens